Day 10(Jan 14) Alter Do Chao (Amazon River), Brazil

Today we stopped at Alter Do Chao(town on the Amazon River). It has beautiful beaches and folks come from Santerim(a large city/town nearby along the Amazon) on weekends to enjoy the beaches. Only a few of the towns along the Amazon river have beaches, mostly the river edges are forest, brush and grass.

Jennifer and I took the tender to the pier and walked on the promenade along the beach. We had lunch at a beach side restaurant and ordered a dish off the Portuguese menu without being able to read what it was. Jen ended up with a tasty & tender beef dish and I ended up with fried local fish. We did recognize Caipirinha (Brazilian drink) on the menu and each had one. A very fun and relaxing day off the ship. I ended up being one of the last 12 to board the ship because I took extra time to put my toes in the Amazon river! They called Jennifer to check if I was on board or not.

Jen with Caipirinha
Diane with Caipirinha
My toes in the Amazon River