Another Sea Day. We are near the coast of Brazil on the way to Salvador Brazil. Today I chose fitness, crafting, playing carnival games on the pool deck during the county fair that the ship’s crew put on, art class, a movie, and afternoon tea.
Here are a few random pieces of information:
- We have had very, very few bugs- as a matter of fact I’ve only seen 2 mosquitoes and haven’t taken any Malaria medication yet.
- The fitness lap requires 13 times around to make a mile- it makes me dizzy so haven’t even made a quarter of a mile but you have to watch out for the other walkers as they will run you over if you don’t get out of their way
- The sun is so intense it burns my skin even when I don’t get a sunburn. Currently I’m a big fan of shade.
- We’ve had a number of time changes so far and sometimes the ship time doesn’t match the time on my phone. We have a little red analog clock in our room that I originally wanted to hide away but now I can’t go without it.
- As expected, the food on the cruise has been very tasty and full of variety. It’s also prettily presented.
- There is ship WiFi on board. Because WiFi is used so much many cruise lines now offer free WiFi- they used to charge quite a lot. This cruise does offer a higher speed/service for the sale price of $7/day. I’m using the complimentary one which works quite well but can only be on one device at a time so I’m always logging out of one device so the other one can logon.
- Apparently I can’t live without cell service anymore. I keep running into accounts that require a code to logon. The code is texted to my phone and I can only get the code when I’m in range of cell service. I’m slowly, slowly learning patience as I wait a day or two or three before cell is available.