Day 35(Feb 8)- Cruising the Atlantic Ocean

Today was a slow day with not many activities and calm seas. The activities of the day were: laundry, sing out loud rehearsal, origami making and tea

We’re ‘only’ around 200 nautical miles away from Tristan Da Cunha but we still can’t see it. Still about 13,000 feet deep.

That’s one thing that I just can’t get used to- on the map things look so close but you can’t see them. Jennifer and I are using a couple of apps (Noah Weather and Marine Traffic) to show where we are compared to nearby land and ships. Even the ships look right next to us on the app but we can’t see them.

We has 3 meter sea swells all day today. The expected swells at Tristan Da Cunha were 4-5 meters. Imagine almost double the swell from the video below and you can see why we didn’t land at Tristan Da Cunha.

Location 2025-02-08- Edinburgh of the Seven Seas is where Tristan Da Cunha is
Marine Traffic- our ship is the blue arrow, green are other boats, red are tankers
Today’s sea swells. We haven’t seen/had swells before so it was different to see and experience.