Day 42(Feb 15)- Luderitz, Namibia

Today I went to see the wild horses of Namibia. The current theory is that they are the escaped/released horses from the European invasions. They have adapted to the desert environment and can go for 30+ hours without water.

There is a bit of a conflict between the ‘save the horses’ groups and the ‘nature conservancy’ groups because one group thinks the horses are natural and one thinks they are an exotic species. There are only 76 wild horses now.

One really interesting thing about this excursion is that we rode in a bus for an hour and a half to get to the horse area. During that drive, we could see how the landscape changed from rocks to sand dunes to the area where there was enough grass for the horses and oryx to survive.

When we returned from our excursion we had to go thru immigration since we are leaving Namibia tonight. Immigration officers came on board the ship so it was super easy to complete the process. Once you’ve gone thru the process you’re not allowed to leave the ship.

This evening’s show was CH2 which is two guitar players that were trained in the classic style but have a record for fastest strumming. They had a very diverse play list that included Hallelujah, Hotel California, Billie Jean and Canon in D major. It was an amazing performance.

Landscape progression part 1
Landscape progression part 2
Wild horse of Namibia
Cleaning off Sand from railroad tracks and road