Day 51(Feb 24)- Maputo, Mozambique

A new country- Mozambique- and no excursion today. Jennifer and I took the ship-provided shuttle bus to the local market and spent a nice morning there admiring the fabric and batik artwork.

Everyone wanted to sell us something but graciously took ‘no, thank you’ as a response. Well almost everyone, the self-named Mr. Discount was harder to get past.

I’m not such a good bargainer. Jennifer got the special ‘first customer’ price while I got the tourist price. Mainly because they could tell when I liked something because I’d say to Jennifer “This is perfect, I love it!”. And once I found a piece of fabric that I liked and wondered if they had a larger piece. Someone went all over the market looking for a larger piece so it was pretty hard to bargain when they found it and brought it to me.

After spending a few hours at the market we went home with our treasures and pampered ourselves with wine and a face mask.

Jennifer at the Market
batik artwork in the market
We purchased this piece of batik and the woman is the artist. They are part of an educational program that teaches children to do batik
Street vendor- if I had Mozambique money I”d have gotten some bananas
We looked very creepy with our face masks on but our faces felt pretty nice after we removed the masks