We had our Sing Out Loud concert today. We have been learning our songs on the sea days since the end of February. We sang seven(7) songs at the concert. It was lots of fun. Since I”m tall I get to stand in the back so there are no good photos of me.
On a non-related topic…. Sometimes a pier does not support a cruise ship- maybe it’s not big enough, there are too many other ships in port or the water isn’t deep enough. When this happens, the cruise ship will drop anchor further away and passengers/crew will take a tender to the pier. A tender is a small boat- usually the ship lifeboats- that is used to carry the passengers from the ship to the pier.
Our lifeboats hold 150 people but we usually have no more than 80 or so passengers/crew in them when it’s used as a tender. Sometimes there are only one or two passengers in a tender. More than one tender is used and the tenders go back and forth while we are the port. The passengers have to know what time the last tender leaves the pier. If you miss the last tender you can’t get back to the ship.
Moving from the ship to the tender can be a bit tricky if the seas are moving as both the ship and the tender are moving independently and you need to step from one to the other.