Day 63(March 8)- Male, Maldives

What an amazing day today- we went to the island resort of Adaaran Vadoo to spend the day snorkeling. We took a tender to the dock and then another boat for a 30 minute ride to the resort. When we arrived at the resort, I asked about snorkeling and got a puzzled look but then they said I could rent snorkeling gear from ‘that building over there’. At ‘that building’ I rented a mask, snorkel and fins and asked about snorkeling. They pointed out a football sized area right off the beach that they said would be good but we had to say inside the area marked by buoys. If you went outside the buoys there was a strong current and many boats.

I wasn’t convinced that would be fun snorkeling and asked about day trips. The only one they had that got back in time for us to make it back to the ship included a hour boat ride, an hour snorkeling and an hour boat ride back plus it required 4 people in order to do the trip. I declined and was bummed that I’d be snorkeling in such a small area.

When I got into the water, and even before I put on my mask, I saw colorful fish! I snorkeled out to the buoys where there was a big drop off and even more colorful fish! I spent an hour and a half snorkeling, had a rest and lunch, came back and snorkeled over an hour more and then rested and did a final hour snorkeling before we had to leave. It was amazing- the best snorkeling I’ve done. The water wasn’t cold and it was so easy to just walk into the water from the beach. Just wonderful.

We walked out into the water from this beach to snorkel; those are my fins
bar on the beach- I had lots of drinks but didn’t partake of the alcohol available
amazing to be surrounded by this school of fish
I’ve heard of a ball of fish but had never seen one before
Jennifer snorkeling- notice how clear the water is
A few of the fish I saw while Snorkeling in the Maldives